Tag Archives: Idyllwild Pines Summer Camp

Idyllwild Pines Summer Camp & Retreat Center Master Plan

Idyllwild Pines Main Camp Aerial

There is plenty of opportunity here at Idyllwild Pines Camp; an 87 year old retreat Center in Idyllwild California. Over the last year we’ve had a fabulous time uncovering all that potential while working on the new Centennial Master Plan.  Its already a beautiful setting for a camp with many natural assets.  It just needs a little site organization here, a few facilities improvements there to create a natural retreat setting ready for the next generation of campers. Here’s a peek at the site as it is now. Site Improvements are coming soon!

Existing River Rock Amphitheater

Concrete Fence detail with Roses. They make this fence on site!

Existing Covered Bridge (Can you believe it? It's an old cargo container!)



Dining Hall and Tahquitz Peak

Strawberry Creek



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