You know your Camp, Conference Center or Retreat Facility needs a Master Plan when:
1. Your Campers or Guests:
- Complain about clutter, unsightly facilities, non-functioning facilities, or lack of facilities.
- Can’t figure out where to go and occasionally get lost or go to the wrong place.
- Have few places to sit outside.
- Have few places to take a walk – from a leisurely stroll to an active hike.
2. Your Facilities:
- Are inadequate, outdated or no longer support your mission.
- Have vehicle or pedestrian traffic problems on site.
- Lack clear separation for guests, vehicles and service staff.
- Have poor visibility from the road or highway – people often miss your site entrance.
- Are unknown by locals.
- Are not secure from outsiders.
- Need additions for new programs and you need to decide where to put them and how much they will cost.
- Lack barrier free accessibility.
3. Your Natural Assets:
- Are damaged and degraded.
- Have been in decline for many years.
- Are unattractive.
- Are highly impacted by campers.
4. Your Donors:
- Wonder where their money is being spent.
- Are unenthusiastic about supporting the mundane things like “bathroom improvements” that are exactly what you need.
- Aren’t inspired to make large gifts.
- Are shrinking and you need to expand your donor base.
5. Your Organization:
- Has been in existence for more than five years and has never had a master plan.
- Your current master plan no longer supports your mission.
Do these challenges ring true for your organization? The good news is that grant programs and individual donors will be wowed when they see a clear, detailed, site master plan that fully realizes your organization’s mission!
Contact us today for more information on how to get started!